Morning Horror Story - Vagrant Manifestations!

On Saturday I really wasn't in the mood for running and had a great inner tug-o-war whether or not I should go. Needless to say, I went and knew that it was my uncertain and 50% (or half-ass) attitude was to blame. 

I had one or two drinks on Friday night (like we normally do) but am always mindful of far I go because I know that there's no worse feeling than running the next day in the hot sun with a hang-over. Been there, done that! I guess I had been so enthused over the last few weeks that I've been really hitting the pavement and getting her done. Am I burnt out? I don't think so, but since that intense run I did on Thursday night, my body was still sore and recovering. Although it was later than I usually go on weekends, I did it anyway. I can't stand running in the height of morning traffic and ignoring all the stares from people wishing they were either still in their beds or out with me in the fresh air. Sometimes I even get self-critical and think, "Why am I out here doing this when I could be doing so many more important thing?" I snap myself out of that type of thinking every single day! I am doing something important and something that only I can do for myself!

That's not what made the workout suck however! As I approached the sidewalk nearing the park on Saunder's Beach, I noticed a short gentleman wearing a brown jacket (what looked like a short trench-coat) headed in my direction (East). As I normally do, I ran on the outskirt of the road itself just to let up space on the sidewalk AND to avoid jumping up and down the breaks and ramps in the sidewalk (that makes running extra annoying). As I got about a yard or two up to him, I pulled one side of my headphones out because he appeared to be saying something to me. When I did, the dude literally lunged forward at me, took a  swing and fired some obscenities like I had stolen his crack-pipe or some shit! I couldn't believe what was happening and by instinct I reacted by swinging a punch at him and attempting to kick him in the groin. He ran off and didn't say another word! There I am now in shock, swearing like a scurvy pirate and yelling for someone to call the police. Two guys in a water truck passed and yelled that they saw what happened. I was like, "Well call the *bleeping* police then!!!" I had no minutes unfortunately and didn't realize that I could make an emergency call from my cell until I got close to go-slow bend!  Lord...what was that all about? Maybe I ought to remember to say a prayer before leaving or on the way out. All of these thoughts swirled about in my head the entire way, hindering me from maxing out my run. "Out of the 10-20 other walkers and runners on the road after 9 a.m. on a bright and sunny Saturday morning, how many other people did this lunatic try to attack?" "Did he run at that big 6 ft.5" white man too?" "If he did, did the guy squeeze his scrawny little emaciated neck hard enough for me too???" So many questions! When I dialed 911 and the dispatcher answered, all I got to say was, "Hello! I am out West by Saunder's Beach jogging and some..." then I heard, "Hello. Hello." After about 20 seconds of inaudible communication, I decided to hang up. I said I'd call when I got by The Corporate Center. I was so frazzled that I forgot to even take pictures which is surprising.

The weirdest and most coincidental thing is that my son always warns me and tells me to be careful for "the jonsers Mommy" after witnessing one of them get tasered downtown for touching a woman and causing a scene. I always just shrug it off, tell him to relax and consider them relatively harmless. There are two others who seem to reside on that beach which SHOULD NOT BE and I just wondered beside the police, who else do you call to report these derelicts of society who go about being a nuisance and pain the ass! There goes the Law of Attraction at its best! If you focus on the vagrants, that's more of what you'll get! I missed so badly being back in my home turf of the west. It feels so good to see the transformation and then those eyesores just poke their heads out to cause trouble. I guess even the vagabonds want a better life! They'll have it if one of them effs with me again. A life of peace, tranquility, silence, darkness and ironically, lots of peaceful neighbours!

To look at it from a more compassionate perspective, there really should be someplace to house people like them. I chose not to call them 'the homeless' because the reasons and circumstances vary so much. Just about every society has homeless people and to be honest, my heart pours out for their misfortune because I have been there before and know exactly how it feels. Although it was for no extended period of time, even one day without a roof over your head is enough to humble the strongest of men (or women). Thank God for his grace because oftentimes it's your family that fails you and you are literally all on your own. What people don't really realize is the thin line that's between having a home and being homeless. In the blink of an eye, everything can change and you find yourself with out a regular dwelling place. Now what really stinks is that not all of the people you see begging or sleeping on a park bench are simply 'homeless'. Many of them have substance abuse issues and/or are mentally insane and can hurt you. (Which I think was the case with ya' boy on Saturday.)

Great Commission Ministries is a facility here in The Bahamas dedicated to helping those in need of housing, food and other aid. I know one of the volunteers there and have been thinking of becoming one myself. There are so many things I would like to do when I am better able. I'm pretty sure that they are in need of assistance everyday and so I encourage anyone who may be interested to check them out and lend a helping hand if and where possible. 

I do hope that one day homelessness and vagrancy is a thing of the past. Each one of us has a certain obligation to ensure that our town is the best little island paradise in the western hemisphere!

Apart from that big hiccup, I wore the completely wrong top and had to keep tugging at it every time I started to run. I will not be making that mistake again!

If anyone has a similarly startling story, please share below!


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