Life Lessons That Running Teaches You!


Cirrus Clouds over Hilton

1. It’s all mental. Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re absolutely correct!  Only you can determine what you are capable of.


2. Consistency is key. Consistency creates habit and as for anything in life you really want, you must not give up pursuing it.

 don't give up

3. Anything worth winning is worth working hard for.  If you’re a gamer then you’ll know that just like Assassin’s Creed or Far Cry, the toughest time comes right before a big reward or achievement. Don’t give up! You’ll be so proud of yourself in the long-run.


4. Sometimes you just have to fake it ‘til you make it! Rappers do it all the time! When I first hit the road to running, it was a very awkward feeling and I was convinced everyone knew I was ‘faking’ until I kept at it and kept envisioning myself as a ‘runner’. One foot in front of the other.


5. We all “have the time”, we just think we don’t! You mean to tell me that out of 24 hours each day, you can’t muster up 30 minutes or an hour? We usually spend that scrolling irrelevant posts on Facebook or playing Candy Crush. Try a new excuse! Some of us ARE extremely busy and have chaotic lives but even if you can fit in an hour just twice a week, that’s better for you than none at all.

 run sweat smile

6. It’s NOW or NEVER! If you sit around waiting for the right time or the best possible conditions, chances are you’ll never accomplish anything. I couldn’t wait for a new pair of New Balance running shoes or a brand new headset before I started. The universe moves by your faith and deeds so just know that the things you want/need are not far away and get busy!


7.  No pain, no gain! The harder the push, the greater the reward. (Or the muscle sprain!) We as human beings can greatly surpass what we call our ‘limits’. Mentally pushing yourself a bit further does wonders for our self-esteem and our abilities. You’d be surprised what you have the physical strength to do once you flex those mental muscles a bit more!

love body

8. Inner peace can be found in the midst of great stress. One of the things any runner will say is that somehow, somewhere along the run, the complete exhaustion, chaos of 5 o’clock traffic and hoots and hollers by total perverted strangers disappears and it’s as if it’s just them and the road. It took me a few weeks to relate. By focusing on your breathing, posture, cadence and song selection, you can easily tune out. Just be careful not to run off the sidewalk changing songs and stay aware of your surroundings at all times!


9. We’re much stronger than we think! Don’t put limitations on yourself because the awesome tool called ‘the body’ that has been given to us was made to work!


10. Our pent-up feelings need an outlet. Try waging a war with your spouse after a good run. Can’t do it right? I thought so. Many of society’s ill-happenings would not take place if more people worked out! Instead of so many men being shot or out cheating, more would be either at home taking a nap or trying to cook for themselves.  Running, as with any other form of physical exercise, reduces stress, lets out good feeling endorphins that put us in a better mood.



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