
Showing posts from December, 2011

Gluten Sensitivity Test

Take the Gluten Sensitivity Self-Test Check off the symptoms that apply to you: Digestive  Craving for wheat  Bloating / Gas  IBS  Acid reflux  Constipation  Diarrhea  Poor appetite  Children who are picky eaters  Weight trouble  Iron-deficiency anemia  Indigestion  Nausea Neurological  Headaches  Migraines  Memory problems  Brain Fog  Poor concentration  ADD/ ADHD  Joint pains and/or muscle aches  Ataxia  Fibromyalgia Hormonal  Fatigue  Sleep problems  Depression  anxiety  Irritability  Mood swings  Menstrual problems  Infertility and/or Miscarriage  Thyroid problems  Osteoporosis or osteopenia, you or your family Immune  You get infections easily  Sinus congestion  Asthma  Skin rash  Eczema  Psoriasis  Elevated liver enzymes  Arthritis, any type – in you or your family  Cancer history, you or your family  Autoimmune disease such as diabetes, M.S., Lupus – you or your family  Celiac disease, you or your family If you checked 1 to 3 bo