20 of The Weirdest Things Runners Do!

1. Drink from your 'on-the-road' jug at home just because. 

2. Talk to themselves or chant along with a song rhythmically, oblivious to whoever's watching. 

3. Clamp their phone or iPod in mouth when tying laces (if no holster is available - like in my case) and end up drooling in public. 

4. Peep behind you every so often in case of vagrants, stalkers or dogs with distemper

5. Sniffle and wipe your nose on the inside tail of your shirt. (Who takes napkins on a run?)

6. Use other runners as inspiration to run farther. 

7. Try to focus on any and everything else not to notice how far you have left. 

8. Nod heads or thumbs up instead of voicing salutations. 

9. Get absolutely PISSED if called a 'walker' or 'jogger'. 

10.  Tape their nipples to protect from chafing. (Males)

11. Nosh on carbs without guilt for it is a runner's best fuel. 

12. Stretch during TV shows and/or commercial breaks. 

13. Get infuriated and sorely disappointed if a run has to be cancelled for some reason. "How else am I supposed to let off steam?"

14. Appreciate even the tiniest of nature's beauties. 

15. Make comments out loud (but to yourself) about other runners. "Nice calves bad boy!" or "DAYAM that's a small waist!" 

16. Pick dead skin from feet (much to the annoyance of hubby and kids).

17. Get all excited talking about running (your time, pace, speed) although you're pretty much the only one listening. 

18. Have countless reasons to say, "I'm going running in the morning so..."

19. Sleep like their life depends on it! 

20. Drink every drop of water in the house!

If you find yourself guilty as charged of any of these, leave a comment. Feel totally free to add other things that you do that makes people think runners or other fitness enthusiastics are from another galaxy.


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