
Showing posts from 2011

Gluten Sensitivity Test

Take the Gluten Sensitivity Self-Test Check off the symptoms that apply to you: Digestive  Craving for wheat  Bloating / Gas  IBS  Acid reflux  Constipation  Diarrhea  Poor appetite  Children who are picky eaters  Weight trouble  Iron-deficiency anemia  Indigestion  Nausea Neurological  Headaches  Migraines  Memory problems  Brain Fog  Poor concentration  ADD/ ADHD  Joint pains and/or muscle aches  Ataxia  Fibromyalgia Hormonal  Fatigue  Sleep problems  Depression  anxiety  Irritability  Mood swings  Menstrual problems  Infertility and/or Miscarriage  Thyroid problems  Osteoporosis or osteopenia, you or your family Immune  You get infections easily  Sinus congestion  Asthma  Skin rash  Eczema  Psoriasis  Elevated liver enzymes  Arthritis, any type – i...

Your Authentic Style

How The Caterpillar Finds its True Self:  "Before the caterpillar begins the transfiguration process, she eats and eats, that's all she does for days. Then she'll climb up on some kind of slanted stick or a root with a pointed end that's stretching up toward infinity. Slowly she creeps. Slowly, slowly, slowly. When she gets to the top, probably thinking, "Whew!", her life's work is just begun. For now she begins to weave a silk thread around herself to create a sacred place - the chrysalis- in which to sleep. While she is sleeping Mother Nature deconstructs her form and the caterpillar undergoes a transformation; her body completely breaks down and is turned to liquid. From this watery substance a butterfly takes form, and when the transformation is complete she breaks through, a completely new being. Her true self. Each of us has an authentic style, and we manifest it in our appearance, in the way we decorate, the way we arrange flowers, th...

11 Secrets For Exercise Success.

If you ever look at some people who always manage to stay in shape and wonder what's so special about them, now, you may not have to. Just as there are proven "secrets" to the rich, famous and any other class in between on how they got there, there are also secrets of the slim and svelte. Follow me: Secret #1:   Having a clear and realistic image of your own ideal body in your mind (and not Giselle Bunchden's!)  Reason it works: No one is 100% identical to another so to get a good, sound image of your own frame structure, height, and problem areas will leave you feeling more motivated rather than envious of Brazilian beach beauties.  Your Method: Specifically decide what your ultimate goal is - to add more muscle mass, tone up certain areas or lose 20lbs - then imagine what you will look like at the end of your journey. If you can, conjure up this ideal image in your head when you're working out, feeling lazy and about to ignore your workout, or feeling a ...

Common Bush Medicines & Their Uses.

For thousands of years, people have been curing and controlling ailments with the use of natural herbs. Today, these herbs still exist all around us, but many are hesitant to consume them because they are not sure what they are eating/drinking is actually "safe". Here is a list of the most common plants and their health benefits. I am a huge believer in alternative medicine and feel as though the cures that our Creator has provided for us far surpasses any chemically altered concoction. Not to mention, it is often free and found right in our own backyards.  Aloe   Native to Africa, aloe vera is commonly cultivated elsewhere. The clear gel found inside the plant's leaf and the crystalline part found alongside the leaf blade, which contains aloin, are both used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The clear gel is a remarkably effective healer of wounds and burns, speeding up the rate of healing and reducing the risk of infection. The brownish part containing aloin is a s...