
Showing posts from April, 2014

Safety & Self-Defense While Running.

My absolute favourite time to go out running is on weekends. Not only do I get a much needed break from the kiddos, but the scenery is beautiful, the atmosphere tranquil and sweet and the birds chirping in the morning air brings the feeling of inspiration and new beginnings.  While not much else could be better (besides waking up in an executive suite, kid-free, to the sound of the ocean surf and a morning margarita) there are some things that CAN be a lot worse! Like what? Stalkers, attackers, criminals and hallucinogenic vagrants! We don't usually like to think about these sorts of stuff but we see and hear all too often about people who have been faced with these life-or-death situations. Instead of procrastinating or trying to brush it under the covers, let's just jump right into what you/we should be doing at all times to help ourselves stay safe ABAP while out for a good workout. (As best as is possible) First and foremost - PRAY, recite the 23rd Psalm and m...

Vision Board Manifestations and Random Thoughts Runners Think While Running.

2014 Running Log Al-right! Looking at this thing makes me feel hell' good. I was out yesterday morning and pushed the 4.72 miles to 5 miles one time. I think that is now my new distance for the next week or two. I want to up the ante a bit now that I'm getting more conditioned. It's all about perseverance. At the top of my vision board are the words, "Never stop" made by some fit folks bending their bodies and ironically, it fits so well into place.  When you want something bad enough all the forces of hell cannot stop you once you shield yourself with God's Almighty armour. Another irony is how at the beginning of this year I had no plans whatsoever to start running and it just kinda...well... happened. So I think it's safe to say that I AM actually manifesting my inner visions! Go me! The thing about visions is you have to be utterly specific about them because The Universe is always paying attention to our vibrations. The sneakers pic...