Your Authentic Style
How The Caterpillar Finds its True Self: "Before the caterpillar begins the transfiguration process, she eats and eats, that's all she does for days. Then she'll climb up on some kind of slanted stick or a root with a pointed end that's stretching up toward infinity. Slowly she creeps. Slowly, slowly, slowly. When she gets to the top, probably thinking, "Whew!", her life's work is just begun. For now she begins to weave a silk thread around herself to create a sacred place - the chrysalis- in which to sleep. While she is sleeping Mother Nature deconstructs her form and the caterpillar undergoes a transformation; her body completely breaks down and is turned to liquid. From this watery substance a butterfly takes form, and when the transformation is complete she breaks through, a completely new being. Her true self. Each of us has an authentic style, and we manifest it in our appearance, in the way we decorate, the way we arrange flowers, th...